“Architecture becomes an art when one consciously or unconsciously creates aesthetic emotion in the atmosphere and when this environment produces well being.” Luis Ramiro Barragán Morfín, Mexican architect and engineer.

image source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/d21a35ba-c550-4a94-a4b6-b7038b966fca by Tomjc.55
About his life
Luis Ramiro Barragán Morfín (March 9, 1902 – November 22, 1988) was a Mexican architect and engineer. In 1931, after getting a degree in civil engineering, he met Bac and Le Corbusier, both of whom would have had a profound influence on his work. He began to conceive new methods by which he could create “emotional architecture,” which would encourage meditation and quietude. For his serene and evocative houses, gardens, plazas and fountains, he won the Pritzker Prize in 1980.

image source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/16c8c014-6a6c-404c-be35-35f9a0b70fce by nicolas.boullosa
What are Barragán’s style main features ?
A religious man, Barragán and his work have been described as “mystical” as well as serene. His chapel for the Capuchinas Sacramentarias is an evidence of both qualities. Because of his interest in horses, he designed many stables, fountains and water troughs that manifest many of these same qualities.

image source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/6a18822b-8fb1-417d-af06-8cca46e899c7 by Esparta
The work of Luis Barragán is often quoted in reference to minimalist architecture. Most architects who do minimalistic architecture do not use color, but the ideas of forms and spaces which Barragán pioneered are still there.

image source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/c3de435d-b84c-457f-930a-0603c4e83ff4 by Ymblanter
The rooms burst with light and colour and are decorated with leather chairs and animal-skin lamps, and the attached studio frequently hosts artists in residence.

image source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/beacf398-7f19-4e5e-817e-0a2e31e320d1 by 準建築人手札網站 Forgemind ArchiMedia

image source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/4c709220-5cbf-44f0-b92a-63bfbe60764d by Francesco Bandarin
What are his most famous creations?
The majority of the structures he built are in Guadalajara and Mexico City. Among his notable works are the house he created around existing buildings at 20–22 Calle Ramírez in the Tacubaya district of Mexico City, where he lived beginning in the 1940s; numbers 10 and 12 Avenida de las Fuentes, among the first houses to be built in El Pedregal, and the Prieto López House there; the San Cristóbal Stables/Egerstrom House; the Gálvez House; and the Gilardi House. The Barragan Foundation (1996) is located near Basel, Switz.

image source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/de688ed6-01a9-40c0-b399-e229a90c8ba9 by Kent Wang

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