Venetian Gothic, which originated in the 14th century, is a style that combines the Gothic pointed arch and Byzantine-Moorish influences.

Image source: by gnuckx
Venetian Gothic Origins
Venetian Gothic is an Italian Gothic style, with features from Byzantine and Islamic architecture. It became an important architecture style in the 14th century and was used heavily until the 15th century. Thus, Venetian Renaissance architecture very often retained the features of its Gothic predecessor. In the 19th century, there was a revival of the style and can be seen famously in the Doge’s Palace and the Ca’ d’Oro.

Image source: by Dimitris Graffin
Venetian Gothic Characteristics
The most important element of this style is the pointed arch. Venetian Gothic architecture, often considered unique to Venice, is known for its structural lightness and grace. Further, traceries support the whole building, and rich colors were often used in these buildings.

Image source: by TracyElaine

Image source: by Turinboy
Venetian Gothic Today
The most iconic Venetian Gothic building is the Doges’ Palace, which is the main symbol of northern Italy. The palace was once the home of the Doge of Venice, who was the supreme authority of the former Republic of Venice. The palace opened as a museum in 1923 to showcase his influence on Italian culture and the Venetian Gothic style.

Image source: by IainCameron
Another important Venetian Gothic church is the Santa Maria dei Frari: a Franciscan church built in the mid-13th century. It was rebuilt in the Gothic style in the 15th century. This church is still very similar to those in the rest of Italy, the only difference is the type of building materials used.

Image source: by Didier Descouens

Image source: by José Luiz
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