Jacques I Androuet du Cerceau, also known as Du Cerceau was a famous French architect, decorator, and engraver, who established the Île de France school.

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_I_Androuet_du_Cerceau#/media/File:Medaille-du-cerceau.jpg
Du Cerceau’s Life
Jacques Androuet was born in 1510, in Paris. Не received the name Du Cerceau, due to a sign that hung in his father’s wine shop. Further, he worked in Orléans, France for some time. However, in 1559, he returned to Paris, where he created his famous Livre d’Architecture (Architecture Book), which he dedicated to Henri II. In 1569, during the French religious wars, Du Cersault took refuge in the Huguenot fortress of Montargis. Then, he died in 1584.

Image source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/7e137034-1bb2-4035-9121-46539ac5fbfe by Eutouring

Image source: https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/bdf5b660-9688-4be9-be1f-60fac3b932c6 by Jacques I Androuet
His Major Works
- Les plus excellents bastiments de France, 2 volumes (1576 and 1579): The best and the most significant edition of his. It is an outstanding collection of many 16th century houses that have been altered or destroyed.
- Arcs (1549; “Arches”)
- Temples (1550)
- Vues d’optique (1551)
- Livre d’Architecture (1559): He published his private projects “petit, moyen et grand etats,” including plans for buildings of various sizes and purposes, from shops to grand hotel and private country castle for noble families.

Image source: http://act.art.queensu.ca
- Châteaux of Verneuil in Verneuil-en-Halatte: which Henry IV bought in 1600
- Charles IX’s château of Charleval: Here, he received help from his son Baptiste, but nothing remained of his work.

Image source: https://www.metmuseum.org
Features of His Work
He published collections of engravings depicting monuments, furniture, and decorative sculptures, inspired by classical antiquity. Additionally, he founded the Île de France school, which differed from the Burgundy school. Further, he preferred and admired Jean Goujon’s elegant sculptural goddesses, inspired by Italian artists. Both of these schools defined the Furniture style of Henry II.

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_I_Androuet_du_Cerceau#/media/File:AduCerceauCabinet.jpg
Info sources:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_I_Androuet_du_Cerceau https://www.revolvy.com/topic/Jacques%20I%20Androuet%20du%20Cerceau&item_type=topic https://www.britannica.com/topic/du-Cerceau-family#ref288792 https://explore.lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/show/renaissance-in-print/architecture/androuetducerceau