Modern Design dominated the 20th Century and takes inspiration from Modernist movements.

Image source: by brdonovan
Modern Style Architecture
One of the main characteristics of modern architecture is its simplicity. The modern design encourages spaces to be clean and functional. Further, lines are important to make linear buildings which are usually straight and angled. Homes sometimes have several rooflines at different levels, yet the living areas are all connected. Windows are used in the design to bring in much natural light.

Image source: by paularps
Modern Architecture
The Winslow House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Illinois, takes inspiration from Wright’s mentor Louis Sullivan. Sheltered beneath a low-pitched roof with wide eaves, the house is symmetrical and can be divided horizontally into a stone section. The rear has irregular geometric forms, contrasting with the facade. Further, the interior resembles Wright’s home and the Charnley House.

Image source: by Teemu008

Image source: by karaian
The two-family structure called Houses 14 and 15, created by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret in 1927, can be found on the outskirts of Stuttgart. A progressive precedent for the new International Style, Le Corbusier’s work in Stuttgart is seen as a critical prototype in the building and realization of the Swiss architect’s architectural identity. Additionally, this would change the 20th century way of conceiving architecture.
The Grand Rex is a cinema, in Paris, famous for its distinctive decoration and huge main auditorium, which is the largest cinema theater in Europe. The Grand Rex’s most important hall features a starred ceiling and fairytale-like decorations on the sides of the screen. Additionally, the cinema’s external facade is out of proportion in comparison to neighboring buildings. The cinema is an important trace of art deco architecture, due to the tower in this style.

Image source: by Ardfern
Modern Objects Design
Within the modern style, functionality is important, and lines maintain both organic and geometric features. Further, minimal ornamentation is a characteristic of all modern projects, with the combination of contrasting materials, including plastic for example. Liberal use of traditional materials, and non-traditional materials, such as metal or vinyl and plexiglass, is also common.

Image source: by Cea.

Image source: by ricardodiaz11
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